David R. Lindquist brings to clients extensive experience with consumer financial services, media, nonprofit management, and associations research in a career spanning 29 years. He studied with Everett Carll Ladd, Jr. at the University of Connecticut Survey Research Center and trained at the Gallup Organization in Princeton NJ. David is also an experienced presenter who won the Toastmasters District 37 International Speech Contest in 2014, representing North Carolina in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Created new research functions from scratch at two different publications.
- Designed and created a cluster-based “personas” system to evaluate purchase behavior by differing types of members at a major member association
- Conceptialized and created a density analysis of Latino consumers in the urban area served by a major North Carolina newspaper.
- Developed a cohort-based analysis of readers of a major North Carolina newspaper as it planned changes as it grew into a new decade.
- Produced and presented educational seminars concerning two customer satisfaction research programs.
- Developed the marketing plan for a significant nonprofit organization.