Most small business owners I know are very good at what they do, but they usually have neither the bandwidth or expertise to optimize their marketing efforts. And sadly, those business owners spend dollars unnecessarily, missing their target customers or clients. Market Tune Up is your ad and promotion mechanic, getting under the hood of your marketing plan to make its engine purr and strengthen your small business.
I also strongly believe that all small businesses have a need for the market research routinely available to larger organizations in order to effectively understand their market place, customers, prospects, and competitors. I provide those services that can affordably serve small businesses. Good market research is the fuel for your marketing engine, enhancing its performance.
Consultation: I will discuss with you your current marketing plan and ask the questions that will diagnose underperforming advertising and promotion as well as opportunities that are being missed.
Review of marketing pieces: I will evaluate specific marketing items, including advertisements, brochures, flyers, and web sites for issues, and recommend specific suggestions for improvement.
Search evaluation: I will diagnose your business’ visibility on the Internet and recommend strategies and search terms that can help increase visibility to search engines.
Competitor analysis: I will assess your business’ competitors (either those named by you or other players) to identify their strengths and weaknesses and how you can strengthen your position.
Assessment of advertising schedule: I will evaluate your current program of advertising and recommend specific changes in order to eliminate poor fits and identify opportunities you are not using.
Market research: I will assess the local market, especially in terms of the demographics of your service area as well as competitor density, to help you focus on your target client or customer.
I share techniques in marketing and market research that can be implemented by the small business owner and which don’t cost a fortune